Heartswell Counselling

$140 + GST/HST for a 60 minute individual counselling session (video or phone)

$175 + GST/HST for a 75 minute couples/coparent/relationship counselling session (video or phone)

Appointments missed or cancelled with less than 24 hours notice will be charged the full fee.  

Payment by email transfer.      

Some extended health insurance companies cover counselling by a master’s level psychotherapist. Please check your benefits.  I will provide a receipt but can not direct bill.

Free initial consultation:

It is important to me that you feel comfortable working with me. In order to begin to get to know me, I offer an initial free 20 minute confidential phone consultation in order for you to ask any questions, talk about what you are looking for, get an idea of how we might work together, and to decide if you want to schedule an in person appointment.