Questions You Might Have About Counselling?

How long are counselling sessions?      

Sessions can be 60 or 90 minutes depending on the needs of the client(s).  90 minutes sessions are often recommended for couples or family counselling.
I offer a free 20 minute initial phone consultation. Contact me.

How many sessions will it take? 

The number of sessions needed will vary, of course, and it is always up to you to decide what you need. Typically in 6-12 sessions people can make significant progress and growth in challenging areas.

Where will the sessions take place?

I am currently offering virtual sessions using a secure video platform (Jane App or zoom) or on the telephone. Appointments are available Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 6am - 4pm PST. Other times may be available upon request.

What is your counselling training?

See my About page for the long version. In 2020 I completed a Master’s degree in Counselling at City University of Seattle. Since graduation, I have completed training in somatic transformation Before that, I have 30 years experience working in social services with parents and families. I recieved a BA in Family Studies from UBC, I completed the Counselling Skills program at VCC, I have completed three week-long intensives with Dr Gordon Neufeld.

Are you a registered counsellor?

I have two registrations: I am a Registered Psychotherapist - RP with the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO) and I am a Canadian Certified Counsellor (CCC) with Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA). These organizations have approved my educational transcripts and certificates, counselling and supervision hours, and a criminal record check.

How much do the sessions cost?

$160 for a 60 minute individual counselling session, $225 for a 75 minute couples/co-parenting/relationship counselling session
For current clients a 30 minute check-in is available for $80

Will my extended health plan insurance company reimburse me?

It depends on your individual plan. Please check your benefits. Some plans only cover specific specialties such as social worker or psychologist which I am neither. I have a masters degree and can be called a clinical counsellor, therapist, or psychotherapist in the province of Ontario. I will provide a receipt with my registration numbers.

What about confidentiality?

Confidentiality is very important to me. All of your personal information will be held confidentially and will not be shared with anyone without your request and written permission. The only exceptions to this confidentiality include if there is a risk of harm to any person (adult or child), a court order, and my participation in professional supervision.

I have more questions, can I talk to you about them? 

I offer an initial free 20 minute confidential phone consultation in order for you to ask any questions, talk about what you are looking for, and to decide if you want to schedule an in person appointment.  Contact me.

How do I decide if you are a good fit for me?      

The 'good fit' of the counsellor has been found in research to be one of the most important indicators of the success of any counselling. It is based in part on asking questions and getting information from me, but it is equally important that you trust your intuition about whether you want to do this work with me. You can start this process with a free 20 minute initial phone consultation where we can begin to get to know each other a bit and you can ask any questions you may have.  Contact me.